Next immersive- MARCH 14 -16 on goregous Salt Spring Island,BC.

Hello Beautiful People! This work has been so nourishing and fulfilling that I continue to say yes. I just finished an immersive called Ecstatic Woman with a group who has come to sit in sacred circle with me a few times. To experience the transformation, vulnerability, strength and unique gifts of each woman is so profound. Being in sacred circle continues to reshape me time and time again. We all have so much to learn together and from each other. Each voice in the circle is so important and valued. I am deeply grateful and humbled by the presence I get to experience. Together we weave a tapestry of hope, forgiveness, self expression and embodiment. 

And so, I invite you to take your seat in this circle. I hope to see you there. More info and testimonials below. 

This course is designed to help you understand yourself better. As womb carriers, we also carry innate gifts of wisdom, deep inner knowing, strong intuition and immense strength. Our wombs are by design creative, all knowing, regenerative, grounding. They are the root of who we are and connect us to our ancestors and sisters across all time.

We hold so much power in these cauldrons within. The womb mysteries have long been understood by the ancient world. It’s only since the takeover of patriarchy that we have been forced to cut ourselves off from these inherent powers. Our wombs hold the mysteries to self empowerment, self worth, infinite possibility and connection to the very source of all of life.

You will learn tools, practical information and ancient practices that can support you on your journey for life.

How would it feel to be unapologetically you? To have strong boundaries? Clear communication? A direct line to your truth? A direct line to your dreams and the dream of the collective? How would your life look to be centred in the voice of your womb?

Most of us have never received these teachings. You may feel them already. You may feel entirely cut off from them. All are welcome. Wherever you are on your journey, this immersive will hold a strong and safe space for you to explore, discover, heal and express yourself.

This immersive holds the foundational teachings and practices that will be at the root of all I share. It is the opportunity to learn and understand the language of these ways so that we can build a common language together. Do not be mistaken by foundational. These practices will meet you at whatever depths you are ready for. Whether you are a beginner or long time seeker, these practices can meet you where you’re at. They are the practices that I return to again and again and again. We will also move through practical applications of how to bring this work to your everyday life so that you can anchor it in your body and your world.

This course is designed for all who identify as a woman and who were born biologically with a womb. If you no longer carry your physical womb, however, you are most welcome to join as the body continues to hold the imprints of this biology.  

Stand in your personal power.

Know your truth.

Trust your intuition.

Listen to your cave of inner knowing.

Meet your spirit allies.

Talk to your ancestors.

Journey with the drum.

Be in ceremony with sisters.

Learn about animism.

Take home practices that you can apply to your life.

We will come together in song, dance, a myriad of practices, sacred ceremony and sisterhood.

What people are saying -

"I took the Ignite Your Womb 2 years ago - I found it priceless. The inner wisdom gained and the continued listening to my womb practice is enlightening and healing; I highly recommend it!"

- Teresah Lynn🌺

"I recommend Ignite Your Womb for all womb keepers. I discovered potent practices to use and carry for the rest of my days. I loved it so much I have attended two more retreats and will continue on the path. You will feel it if this space is right for you at this time, but do not entertain the scripts of fear that have been fed to us about our bodies & power as women. These times are calling us to enliven our primordial power and come together in a good way as women. Paige holds a potent space and shares from her authentic embodiment of this work. Such a gift!"

 - Celeste Morris🌺

"Paige is an incredible healer and teacher. She holds a beautiful, sacred space where I feel safe, supported, and able to surrender fully to my healing journey.  

Her medicine is both powerful and deeply transformative, guiding me on the path to reclaiming the power of my womb and reconnecting with the profound wisdom of the feminine. With her guidance, I have peeled back layers of conditioning, awakening a deep remembrance within me—the voice of my intuition, the voice of my womb.  

Through her work, Paige has shown me the way to stand more fully in my power, honoring the wisdom that has always been within me. I am forever grateful for her presence on my journey. "

- Trina Aspinall🌺

Where: Stowel Lake Farms. Salt Spring Island.

When: Friday, March 14 - Sunday, March 16

Time: 10 - 5pm each day

Upon registering, you will receive further joining instructions.

Please note that your fee is $495+gst = $519.75 is: 

Fully refundable before Feb 14

50% refundable before Feb 21

Non - refundable by March 1

You can either pay online or send an etransfer to for $495 + gst= $519.75

Please feel free to email Paige with any questions.

With much love.