Adorn Yourself in Beauty!
Designed for the Goddess You Are and the Earth You Adore.
"I believe in making clothing that makes a woman feel comfortable in her skin. This can change the way a woman walks through the world. The right clothing can boost your confidence, increase your magnetism. balance your hormones, help you manifest your dreams and most importantly can help you to fall in love with yourself over and over again." - Empress aka Paige Faraci
We are an ethical women's inclusive clothing line. After 14 years of incredible business, we can confidently say that these clothes will make your day! They are made of natural fibres, hand dyed by our Empress and designed for all bodies. YES, we have all kinds of sizing and do ALOT of custom work for no extra charge. We believe that all women need to be celebrted regardless of size, age, shape and form.
This clothing is known for its incredible drape, luscious bamboo fabrics and for the high quality craft(wo)manship. This is well crafted clothing that is designed to light you up! 
We have clothing for all kinds of occasions. Casual days, fancy evenings out, yoga, gardening, ecstatic dance and cozy home time are all part of our jam. We have created something for everyone. Treat yourself to well made breathable clothing that will keep you extremely comfortable while looking fabulous. Come and try on the magic! 
We will be at The HUB in Fernwood.
1310 Gladstone Ave. Victoria BC
Hours of operation are:
Aug 3rd - 4th 
Sat + Sun 11am - 5pm
Aug 8th - 11th 
Thurs: 11am - 5pm
Fri: 11am - 5pm
Sat: 1pm - 6pm
Sun: 11 - 5pm
Our Empress will be there to help you with your personal shopping. She is known for choosing THE GARMENT that might just be the gateway into a whole new way of doing wardrobe.